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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Scrapbook Auto-Refresher

Is it difficult to refresh your scrap book by pressing 'Refresh' button??.... Don't worry. Now u can make ur own page through which ur scrap book will automatically get refreshed. Just follow the following simple steps.

1) Open Notepad in ur PC.

2) Copy and paste the following code in that Notepad file.

<title>My Scrapbook By "Muhammad Ansab Khan" </title>

<META HTTP-EQUIV=refresh CONTENT="30; URL=scrap.html">

<frameset rows="0,*" border=0>
<frame name="blank1" src="UntitledFrame-1" scrolling=no>
<frame name="scrapbook" src="">

3) Now save that file in ur Desktop. Name it as scrap.html

4) Now Sign in Orkut. And then scrap.html

Now ur scrapbook will get refreshed in every 30 sec. Becoz it valvue set is 30 sec. If u want to change the time set, then open scrap.html with Notepad and edit the "CONTENT" value

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