Msn Status in Orkut Scrapbook
Foundation : That site is created by unknown person ! I was rolling over there to find some error fixes , Founded it and then I try to post in Scrapbook It works!
Requirements :
Windows XP or Windows Vista
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Windows Live Messenger
Installing :
1. Download the Messlabs 0.2.2 installer here [ . zip]
2. Install Messlabs Add-in somewhere (the default directory will do)
3. Quit and reload Windows Live Messenger
4. Go to the Windows Live Messenger options (Menu -> Tools -> Options)
5. Go to the 'Add-ins' section (enabled by the installer)
6 In the bottom half of the window you will see an 'Add to messenger' button, click that and then locate the directory where you installed Messlabs Add-in and select the 'MesslabsAddin.dll' file then click Open
7. Close the options window by clicking OK
Foundation : That site is created by unknown person ! I was rolling over there to find some error fixes , Founded it and then I try to post in Scrapbook It works!
Requirements :
Windows XP or Windows Vista
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Windows Live Messenger
Installing :
1. Download the Messlabs 0.2.2 installer here [ . zip]
2. Install Messlabs Add-in somewhere (the default directory will do)
3. Quit and reload Windows Live Messenger
4. Go to the Windows Live Messenger options (Menu -> Tools -> Options)
5. Go to the 'Add-ins' section (enabled by the installer)
6 In the bottom half of the window you will see an 'Add to messenger' button, click that and then locate the directory where you installed Messlabs Add-in and select the 'MesslabsAddin.dll' file then click Open
7. Close the options window by clicking OK